A Type 1 civilization is a planetary civilization. All the light that comes from their mother star is absorbed and all sources of energy on their planet are controlled by them such as the changing weather, controlling earthquakes and volcanoes. They would have cities on the ocean. It would also be a multicultural society where everyone is equal and would probably have a lingua franca which is a language that is used to accurately make communication between people who do not share the same first language. For example, in Stars Wars their lingua franca is Basic which is commonly spoken throughout the galaxy. According to theoretical physicist Dr Michio Kaku in the year 2100 humanity will reach a type 1 civilization.
What is a Type 2 Civilization?
A Type 2 civilization is a civilization that is stellar. They are 10 billion times more powerful than a Type 1 civilization. In films such as Star Trek the Federation of Planets is an example of a type 2 civilization. All their energy on their planet has been exhausted and so they harness their energy directly from their motherstar. They absorb all energy that comes from their sun including solar flares and the power of the sun itself to power their colossal machines. This type of civilization is immortal since nothing know to science including ice ages, meteor impacts or even supernovae can destroy it. If their motherstar were to explode this civilization could travel to another star system or change the orbit of their own planet and move it.
What is a Type 3 Civilization?
You may see a Type 3 civilization in the Galactic Empire of Star Wars or the Borg in Star Trek. This civilization is 10 billion times more powerful than a type 2 civilization and exploits the power an entire galaxy. They control billions of star systems and can utilize the energy of the black hole located at the center of their galaxy. Just like a type 2 civilization this civilization is immortal.
What type of civilization are we today?
Our civilization today is only Type 0 civilization where we harness the energy from unsustainable sources such as oil,coal, fossil fuels and dead plants. We only utilize a small fraction of the sun's energy that fall into the Earth. However, there are signs that we will reach a type 1 civilization. For example, we have the internet which is the start of a Type 1 Telephone system where we can communicate across the entire planet. In addition the European Union is revealing the beginning of a Type 1 economy. Furthermore, the number 1 second language on Earth is English. This gives us signs that we are beginning to have a Type 1 language where everybody speaks it.
We are currently in the transition from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization. At this point we are in the danger zone where we could end up destroying ourselves. We have many problems today such as global warming, sectarianism, racism and fundamentalism. It is not clear whether these could stop the transition from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization. This transition is also one of the greatest tests that humanity will face. Can we survive on a planet without destroying it?
What is a Type 3 Civilization?
You may see a Type 3 civilization in the Galactic Empire of Star Wars or the Borg in Star Trek. This civilization is 10 billion times more powerful than a type 2 civilization and exploits the power an entire galaxy. They control billions of star systems and can utilize the energy of the black hole located at the center of their galaxy. Just like a type 2 civilization this civilization is immortal.
A Type III Civilization |
Our civilization today is only Type 0 civilization where we harness the energy from unsustainable sources such as oil,coal, fossil fuels and dead plants. We only utilize a small fraction of the sun's energy that fall into the Earth. However, there are signs that we will reach a type 1 civilization. For example, we have the internet which is the start of a Type 1 Telephone system where we can communicate across the entire planet. In addition the European Union is revealing the beginning of a Type 1 economy. Furthermore, the number 1 second language on Earth is English. This gives us signs that we are beginning to have a Type 1 language where everybody speaks it.
We are currently in the transition from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization. At this point we are in the danger zone where we could end up destroying ourselves. We have many problems today such as global warming, sectarianism, racism and fundamentalism. It is not clear whether these could stop the transition from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization. This transition is also one of the greatest tests that humanity will face. Can we survive on a planet without destroying it?